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Posted by BOGBA on November 25, 2019

7 lugares turísticos en Buenos Aires

Sitios y salidas imperdibles para visitar en una escapada a la ciudad capital de Argentina.

La gran ciudad cosmopolita de América Latina. La París de América del Sur, como la llamaban en algún momento, por su arquitectura. La tierra del tango y del gran escritor Jorge Luis Borges. Hay muchas formas de definir a la ciudad de Buenos Aires.

La capital de la Argentina siempre ofrece nuevos sitios para descubrir y lugares turísticos que ya son un clásico en la región.Newsletters Clarín Viajes

El destino de la semana y los mejores consejos para el viajero

Ésta es una lista de algunos imperdibles, junto con nuevas salidas que se impusieron en los últimos tiempos para organizar una buena escapada​ urbana.

1. Plaza de Mayo

Siempre presente entre los imperdibles de la ciudad, suele ser el punto de partida de quienes visitan Buenos Aires por primera vez.

Turistas pasean por Plaza de Mayo.

Turistas pasean por Plaza de Mayo.

Cuando se fundó la ciudad, en 1580, Juan de Garay reservó una hectárea frente al fuerte para que fuese la Plaza Mayor. Es la más antigua de la ciudady escenario de los grandes acontecimientos de la historia argentina.

La primitiva aldea de Buenos Aires fue creciendo alrededor del espacio, que hoy alberga edificios históricos, como la Casa Rosada (casa de gobierno), la Catedral Metropolitana y el Palacio del Gobierno de la Ciudad, entre otros. Toma su nombre en homenaje a la Revolución del 25 de mayo de 1810​. (www.turismo.buenosaires.gob.ar)

2. Teatro Colón

Quizás es el edificio más bonito de la ciudad, además de una de las salas con mejor acústica del mundo. Visitar el teatro Colón es, de alguna forma, viajar en el tiempo a un país que era potencial mundial.

En la visita guiada al Teatro Colón se pueden conocer los principales salones, además de los talleres de producción. / Archivo

En la visita guiada al Teatro Colón se pueden conocer los principales salones, además de los talleres de producción. / Archivo

Los mármoles de diferentes colores y texturas, las aplicaciones de estuco dorado, las cúpulas de cristal y las marquesinas de hierro forjado son algunos de los detalles de esta construcción única, que se inauguró en 1908 y fue restaurado entre 2001 y 2010.

En la visita guiada, se pueden conocer los principales salones, además de los talleres de producción (www.teatrocolon.org.ar)

3. Ateneo Grand Splendid

Argentina es uno de los países del mundo con más librerías por habitante. Es común caminar por la siempre luminosa avenida Corrientes y encontrar algunas abiertas hasta después de medianoche, además de un gran número de restaurantes y teatros.

El Ateneo Grand Splendid , la librería más linda del mundo según National Geographic  (Photo by RONALDO SCHEMIDT / AFP)

El Ateneo Grand Splendid , la librería más linda del mundo según National Geographic (Photo by RONALDO SCHEMIDT / AFP)

Entre ese gran mundo de libros, hay una que se destaca especialmente. El Ateneo Grand Splendid está en Avenida Santa Fe 1860 (barrio de Recoleta), donde antes funcionaba el teatro que llevaba el mismo nombre.

Lo curioso es que la librería conservó la arquitectura original de la sala. En 2019, la prestigiosa publicación National Geographic le dio el título de “La librería comercial más bella del mundo”. Uno puede pasarse horas leyendo y tomando un café en el bar, ubicado donde estaba el antiguo escenario (www.yenny-elateneo.com)

4. Feria de Plaza Dorrego

El histórico barrio de San Telmo cambia su fisonomía durante el fin de semana. Sus calles se vuelven peatonales para dar lugar a una de las ferias de antigüedades y artesanías más emblemáticas de Argentina y de América Latina.

Plaza Dorrego. Foto Guillermo Rodriguez Adami

Plaza Dorrego. Foto Guillermo Rodriguez Adami

Alrededor de la Plaza Dorrego, aún se conservan viejos caserones del siglo XIX, algunos transformados en cafés, restaurantes y hoteles boutique. También sus calles son escenario de artistas callejeros. Funciona los domingos de 10 a 18. Si busca evitar la concurrencia masiva, es mejor ir a primera hora de la mañana.

5. Cancha de Boca Juniors

El fútbol es una religión en la Argentina. Y la Bombonera es uno de sus templos más sagrados. Inaugurada en la década del 40, la cancha de uno de los clubes más populares de América Latina recibe a cientos de turistas todos los días, con un recorrido por el campo de juego, las tribunas y los vestuarios de sus máximas figuras.

Turistas en la cancha de Boca y en el Museo de la Pasión Boquense (FOTO DIEGO DIAZ)

Turistas en la cancha de Boca y en el Museo de la Pasión Boquense (FOTO DIEGO DIAZ)

El Museo de la Pasión Boquense, por su parte, repasa la historia de los principales ídolos del club que despierta pasiones. En el recorrido por las inmediaciones y en el hall de entrada, se pueden observar murales de artistas consagrados como Pérez Celis, Quinquela Martín​ y Rómulo Macció (www.museoboquense.com)

6. El Rosedal

El Rosedal de los bosques de Palermo. Foto: Rafael Mario Quinteros

El paisajista francés Carlos Thays diseñó algunos de los parques más bellos de la Argentina. Dentro del Parque Tres de Febrero -conocido también como Los Bosques de Palermo-, está el Paseo del Rosedal. Son tres hectáreas, que reúnen más de 18 mil rosedales, un puente griego, un patio andaluz y un lago.

El Rosedal de los bosques de Palermo. Foto: Rafael Mario Quinteros

Además, hay 26 bustos que recuerdan a personajes célebres de la cultura argentina y mundial, como Alfonsina Storni, Jorge Luis Borges, William Shakespeare y Dante Alighieri, entre otros. En 2011, fue elegido Patrimonio Cultural de la Ciudad (turismo.buenosaires.gob.ar/es/atractivo/rosedal-de-palermo).

7. Caminito

Caminito la Boca. Foto Lucía Merle

Las casas coloridas, las parejas bailando tango y las calles empedradas son un ícono del barrio de La Boca. Caminito, inspirado en la canción de compuesta por Juan de Dios Filiberto y Gabino Coria Peñaloza, es un paseo imperdible, un gran museo al aire libre, con artesanías, bailarines y músicos compartiendo su arte.

Los conventillos típicos de chapa son un sello inconfundible de esta zona obrera y ahora una de las más turísticas de la ciudad.

Posted by BOGBA on January 4, 2019

Cuáles son los restaurantes y bares porteños recomendados por los anfitriones de Airbnb

Se trata de una serie de guías en formato de mapa que incluyen restaurantes, bares, comercios y paseos favoritos en Palermo Hollywood, Palermo Soho, Chacarita, Villa Crespo, Recoleta, Monserrat y San Telmo; lee la nota y conocé más detalles.

Airbnb cambió la manera de viajar. Y si de eso no hay dudas, lo que quizás queda tan claro es que los anfitriones argentinos cuentan con un insight de la oferta gastronómica y cultural de su barrio capaz de iluminar a más de un porteño.

Hoy, en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires hay 8700 anfitriones que comparten su espacio a través de la plataforma. huéspedes. Su edad promedio es de 41 años y el 56% son mujeres. El 47% son trabajadores independientes y el 11% son jubilados. 

Pero ellos no solo ponen su casa, también son fuente de consulta de los turistas, por eso deben conocer el mapa gastronómico local. 89% de los anfitriones recomienda cafés y restaurantes y el 87% supermercados y almacenes para aquellos viajeros que quieran preparar sus propias comidas.

Toda esa información se recogió en siete guías impresas en formato mapa sobre los barrios de Palermo Hollywood, Palermo Soho, Chacarita, Villa Crespo, Recoleta, Monserrat y San Telmo.

Los mapas se pueden consultar online, aquí hacemos un resumen tres puntos destacados de cada barrio:


Café Crespín

Vera 699

Un lindo café para disfrutar desde las típicas medialunas porteñas hasta french toast un día cualquiera o un brunch completo el fin de semana. Recomendamos toda su panadería dulce y sus tortas.

Al Fares:

Aráoz 1047

En este pequeño emprendimiento, una familia de emigrantes de Siria sirve comida casera típica de Medio Oriente, que puede acompañarse con vino o cerveza a un precio muy conveniente. Para terminar, un café con cardamomo traído directamente del Líbano es una buena opción.

Salgado Alimentos 

Velasco 401 

Dentro de una antigua fábrica de pastas, este bodegón se destaca por sus pastas rellenas caseras, las cuales también se pueden comprar frescas para preparar en casa. Todas las semanas se incluyen en el menú platos especiales, preparados con productos de estación.


Full City Coffee House

Thames 1535 

Café de especialidad con granos de Colombia y diferentes técnicas de extracción. Si querés una opción refrescante podés pedirte un Cold Brew, un Affogato o un Café Frappé.

San Paolo Pizzería

Uriarte 1616 

Auténtica pizza napoletana. Cuando entrás podés ver el horno a leña, donde las pizzas se cocinan en minutos. Como rareza, recomendamos la pizza Mastunicola, con grasa de cerdo, provolone y albahaca, pero todas son imperdibles.

La Calle Bar

Av. Cnel. Niceto Vega 4942 

A simple vista, te vas a encontrar con una pizzería ícono del barrio de Palermo, La Guitarrita. Cruzando la puerta del fondo del local, se encuentra este bar escondido. Se destaca su coctelería, la cual podés disfrutar mientras escuchas la música que toca el DJ desde su cabina, una antigua camioneta.


El Trapiche

Paraguay 5099 

Un clásico porteño que refleja la herencia española e italiana y acompaña con una extensa carta de vinos. Te recomendamos ir liviano, ¡los platos son para compartir! 

Perón Perón

Carranza 2225 

Un bodegón que rinde homenaje a la pareja fundadora del movimiento peronista mientras ofrece una carta que incluye todos los clásicos argentinos: empanadas, tortillas, milanesas, guiso de lentejas, guiso de mondongo y locro. Un dato: cada una hora suena en los parlantes la marcha peronista, ¡y todos los comensales se pone a cantarla!

Panadería Asturias

Gorriti 6002 

No dejes de probar sus famosas medialunas de manteca o bien pedir alguna de sus tartas durante la hora del almuerzo. Tampoco te vayas sin probar el chipá, ¡es riquísimo!


Charlone 101

Charlone 101 

Ambiente cálido con buena música (¡algunos días en vivo!), una excelente carta de vinos y platos de alta calidad. Las mollejas crocantes a la chapa y las empanadas de morcilla son imperdibles. 

Albamonte Ristorante

Av. Corrientes 6735

Para comer rico y abundante, y conocer un verdadero bodegón porteño. La joya de la casa es la pizza llamada como una famosa marca de autos, que incluye fugazzeta, muzzarella y pizzaiola. Las pastas y la parrilla, también deliciosas.

La Fuerza

Av. Dorrego 1409 

Producen y sirven vermut artesanal elaborado con vinos mendocinos. Hay dos opciones para elegir: rojo y blanco. Sentarse a tomar un rico vermut con un sifón y unas papas o buñuelos de acelga es una buena opción para terminar el día. También se puede comprar la botella para llevar, ¡y es recargable!


El Sanjuanino

Posadas 1515 

Las empanadas son excelentes, la textura de la masa horneada es única, y podés elegir entre todos los sabores tradicionales porteños. Recomendamos probar las de carne suave y las de humita. 


Laprida 1293 

En este restaurante de comida india se destacan los platos especiados típicos de la cocina india y las opciones vegetarianas. Los chefs Kumar y Swamy son especialistas en curries indios y tandoori. Ofrecen servicio de entrega a domicilio. 

El Cuartito

Talcahuano 937.

Una de las más reconocidas y típicas pizzerías de Buenos Aires. ¡Recomendamos probar la fugazzeta rellena que es un clásico!


Brun Deli and Market

Moreno 436.

Una opción super recomendable para la hora del almuerzo los días de semana. Sirven ensaladas, sándwiches, tartas y distintos platos del día. 

El Convento

Reconquista 269.

Un lugar para desconectarse del ajetreo característico de microcentro. Este restaurante, ubicado dentro del Convento San Ramón Nonato, tiene mesas en una galería que da directamente a un jardín verde y lleno de flores. Ofrece distintos platos del día y un menú a la carta para el horario del almuerzo. 

Poké & Roll

Bolívar 331 

Para probar el poké bowl hawaiano, un plato diferente y saludable. Podés elegir tus propios ingredientes y quedarte a comer en el local o pedirlo para llevar.


Café Rivas

Estados Unidos 302

Una de las esquinas más fotografiadas de San Telmo, donde te recomendamos también entrar para disfrutar de su hermoso ambiente. En su carta ofrecen cocina porteña moderna en base a productos nacionales de estación. Hay buenas opciones de vinos y coctelería de autor. ¿Un trago? ¡Negroni! Algunas noches tocan dúos de jazz en vivo, volviendo su atmósfera aún más especial. 

Bar Sur

Estados Unidos 299.

Desde 1967, ambientado de manera intimista, con muebles estilo vienés y piso calcáreo en damero blanco y negro, el Bar Sur es un buen lugar para quienes quieran escuchar y ver bailar tango todas las noches hasta la madrugada.

El Viejo Almacén

Av. Independencia 299.

Es una de las esquinas tangueras más antiguas de la ciudad, donde podés cenar mientras ves un espectáculo de tango.

Posted by BOGBA on October 8, 2018

Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games

Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games

This Saturday October 6 join us for the opening ceremony, with free access to all.

When? Saturday October 6 at 6pm.
Where? The obelisk, Av. Corrientes and Av. 9 de Julio
More info

Everyone’s invited to an unforgettable opening ceremony for the Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games. It will be the first time that an Olympic Games opening ceremony has been held outside of the traditional stadiums, open to the public for free. Close to 2,000 people will be involved in the production and artistic direction of the event, overseen by renowned Argentine theatre company Fuerza Bruta and Ozono Producciones. Come along to be part of history and to marvel at an opening ceremony that will see performers suspended from harnesses, the latest technology and much more.

Buenos Aires’ Olympic year has arrived!

From October 6 to 18, Buenos Aires hosts the third Summer Youth Olympic Games (YOG). Promoted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the games will gather 3,920 athletes from 206 countries. The Summer Youth Olympic Games are held every four years and are open to athletes aged 15 to 18, providing an opportunity to see the sporting stars of the future.

And you can be part of the action, coming to cheer on the athletes and support the games’ values of friendship, respect and excellence.

Some Olympic firsts

The programme features 32 sports disciplines, including for the first time at an Olympic Games: BMX freestyle, kiteboarding and beach handball.

It will also be the first Olympic Games to have an equal number of male and female participants, contributing to gender equality.

The Olympic Village and a legacy for the city

The Olympic Park in Parque Roca is at the heart of the city’s new Sports District, part of the large-scale regeneration programme in the south of the city, which includes the Design, Technology and Arts Districts in Barracas, Parque Patricios and La Boca.

In addition to promoting the educational and cultural aspects of youth sports participation, the games involve a more than US $112 million investment in sporting, housing and community infrastructure for the 10-hectare Olympic Park, making the event a catalyst for the urban and social development of the city.

More information: www.buenosaires2018.com

Posted by BOGBA on July 2, 2018

Top 10 Date Ideas in Buenos Aires

Top 10 Date Ideas in Buenos Aires

(Photo via Revista Mercado).

So your Tinder game must be going strong, eh? You’ve bagged yourself a hot date (let’s hope their profile pic isn’t misleading), and you’re obsessing over every minute detail of how it’s going to go down. Or, perhaps you’ve met the lucky guy or gal the old fashioned way, or you’re in a long-term relationship that has remained committed to keeping the flame alive. Regardless, now begs the question, where do you take your (hopefully) gorgeous arm candy out for a night on the town?

If you’re feeling imaginative and are out to impress, a little creativity can go a long way. That’s where we come in, to give you the lowdown so you don’t even have to give it a second thought. Here’s our pick of some more of the more exciting, decidedly non-basic options out there.

Teatro Ciego

(Photo via Diario 26).

(Photo via Diario 26).


Worried that your dodgy table manners are going to get in the way of impressing your dream date? Fear not, Teatro Ciego (Blind Theater) is here to rid you of your fears and allow you to dine without the other person actually seeing your face. That’s right, you could drop your main course all down yourself and your date would be none the wiser. On the contrary, it could be a shared romantic journey of discovery as you listen to live music and awaken your taste buds – the dark makes your sense of taste stronger, apparently. The only catch is you will be effectively blind for the whole charade, and won’t know what it is you’re eating – it is, after all, a dining in the dark experience.

Jorge Luis Borges 1974 | Tuesday – Sundays 9 PM | More info |


(Photo via Maleva Mag).

(Photo via Maleva Mag).


If you’re already planning your new home together, head to collector of beautiful things Gabriel Del Campo’s restaurant located on the loveliest San Telmo street, Napoles. Filled with everything from a vintage Maserati to antique chandeliers, you’ll be sure to develop some house envy and wish that you weren’t confined to your tiny monoambiente. If things are going well with the beau, after a copa (or three), perhaps you’ll splurge on a few treats for your love nest.

Av. Caseros 449 | Tues 9 AM – 12:30 AM | Wed – Thurs 10 AM – 12:30 AM | Fri – Sat 10 AM – 2 AM | Sun 10 AM – 5 PM | More info |


(Photo via Chef Steps).

(Photo via Chef Steps).


If you’re looking to impress – and ready to break the bank, head to Crizia and order up a dozen of their specialty oysters. If the conversation hits a lull, rest easy knowing that that oysters are known for their aphrodisiac qualities. Keep calm and let the bivalves do the mysterious work of attraction. A chic and sleek interior, along with an understated atmosphere, will make you seem quite the sophisticated catch.

Gorriti 5143 | Mon – Sat 7:30 PM – 1 AM | More info |

El Rosedal

(Photo via Turismo Buenos Aires).

(Photo via Turismo Buenos Aires).


On the contrary, if you’re feeling a little a bit limited on the plata front, head to the RosedalBuenos Aires’ manicured rose garden. For a cheap and cheerful alternative to buying flowers, or in fact, parting your hard-earned pesos at all, a stroll around here should just do the trick. We advise against picking the roses, however tempting it may be, since that’s definitely against the rules.

Av. Isabel Infanta | Winter hours: Tues – Sun 8 AM – 6 PM | Summer hours: Tues – Sun 8 AM – 8 PM | More info |


(Photo via palabras.com.ar).

(Photo via palabras.com.ar).


Show off how cultured you are with a trip to Villa Crespo’s Microteatro. An alternative way of seeing theater, the 15-minute plays ensure the shows are always dynamic and full of energy. Shows are acted out in 15-square meter rooms; audience members are so close to the action they’ll almost feel part of it. With a well-stocked and lively bar, you can enjoy a Malbec-accompanied analysis straight after. It tends to get pretty packed come Friday or Saturday, so head there a little earlier and reserve a few tickets for whatever tickles your fancy. With just a few lines of description for each play, it really is potluck whatever you see, but the gamble of the game undoubtedly adds to the excitement.

Serrano 1139 | Tues 7 PM – 1 AM | Wed – Thurs 7 PM – 2 AM | Fri – Sat 7 PM – 3 AM | Sun 7 PM – 12 AM | More info |

 878 Bar

(Photo via 878 bar).

(Photo via 878 bar).


If you’re still in Villa Crespo and looking to continue your night, head to 878 Bar for a nightcap. Technically a speakeasy, 878 was one of the first secret bars to open in Buenos Aires during the early 2000s. It retains a certain informality, meaning you needn’t worry about dressing up too much. The cocktails are creative but non-pretentious, making it an easy bar in which to shake up your usual drinks routine. Lovebirds can search for a dark corner and sneak a beso or two in between Negronis.

Thames 878 | Mon – Wed 7 PM – 2 AM | Thurs 7 PM – 3:30 AM | Fri 7 PM – 4:30 AM | Sat 8 PM – 4:30 AM | Sun 8 PM – 2 AM |


(Photo via Fuego

(Photo via Fuego’s Facebook Page).


If the conversation between you two has begun to dry up, you might enjoy a night without the pressure of having to actually talk. Head to closed-door restaurant-cum-cooking class Fuego and prepare to wow your date with some culinary magic. One for the true foodie fans, watch your dinner be prepared by professional chef Nic as he gives you insider chef tips. Cuisines range from Nordic to French-Asian fusion and everything in between. Later, enjoy conversation with an eclectic collection of diners all seated in a beautifully furnished, wood-paneled room overlooking downtown Buenos Aires.

Av. Callao & Perón | Mon – Sat from 7:30 PM | More info |

Al Ver Verás

(Photo via Al Ver Verás).

(Photo via Al Ver Verás).


For those dates who think they know Buenos Aires far too well, take them on a surprise style evening led by visual artist group Al Ver Verás. Taking place on a secret downtown rooftop, Al Ver Verás projects patterns, visual stories, and light shows across nearby buildings, all to the tune of live music. With the exact location revealed on the day of the event, you can count on the date being a novelty for even the most discerning date. Get there on time and look out for their reasonably priced parrilla and cocktails too.

Timings, locations, and dates vary | See their Facebook Page |

Alvear Palace Hotel Rooftop Bar

(Photo via the Alvear Palace).

(Photo via the Alvear Palace).


Nothing screams serious romance like a rooftop bar. If you’re looking to pull out all the stops for that special someone, take them to the Alvear Palace for a treatsy round of aperitivos before your night gets underway. The grande dame of porteño luxury hotels, the Alvear’s 11th floor rooftop bar does not disappoint. Get there early for sunset vibes and stunning views up the Río de la Plata, order a round of perfectly crafted cocktails, and toast to a (now) blossoming romance.

Avenida Alvear 1891 | Tues – Sat 7 PM – 1 AM | More info |

Stand-Up Comedy

Sebastián Wainraich. (Photo via Netflix).

Sebastián Wainraich. (Photo via Netflix).

There’s nothing like a bit of comedy to break the ice. With a show every night of the week, head to the Taburete Club de Comedia for a little laughing to help ease your nerves. A steady stream of both internationally and nationally known comics pass through the doors of this well-established club, bringing something for everyone. If you’re not much of a comic yourself, leave the role of the joking jester to the professionals and relax as your date eventually cracks a smile.

Jorge Luis Borges 1655 | Showtimes vary | More info |

Happy dating!

Posted by BOGBA on December 11, 2017

Budget Buenos Aires: Where to Eat Cheap in BA

Budget Buenos Aires: Where to Eat Cheap in BA

Buenos Aires is no longer the budget destination of $5 dollar steak dinners. Dining out isn’t cheap, but you don’t need to drop all of your Julio Rocas to eat well because great deals do exist. Back in 2013, I wrote a guide to the best Buenos Aires restaurants for cheap (and broke) bastards. But with soaring inflation, manic exchange rates, and an ever-changing BA food scene, it’s time for a 2017 affordable restaurant guide update.*

From empanada shops, Chinese noodle houses, menú ejecutivo lunch specials, hole-in-the-wall grills, and cheesy Porteño pizza slices, it’s possible to taste the entire city without spending all of your pesos. Here are over 50 delicious ways to eat out in Buenos Aires, even on a budget.

Original article via Eater.com: The 9 Must-Have Cheap Eats in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Ph: Chori

Street food isn’t a thing in BA. It means a few scattered parrillitas and mobile carts specializing in grilled meats and sandwiches. Choose your favorite cutlike bondiola (pork shoulder), churrasquito (boneless steak), vacío (flank), or lomito (thin filet), and slather with chimichurri and salsa criolla. Ask for it completo and your grill master will probably pimp it out with lettuce, tomato, ham, and cheese; order it a caballo and you’ll get it topped with a fried egg. Choripán, or chori for short, is the unofficial national dish consisting of Argentine sausage on bread, and absolutely essential when eating on a budget. The morcipán  morcilla on bread — comes in a close second, if you are into the whole blood sausage thing. Word to the wise: keep your bread expectations low.

Where to get it:

Lo de Freddy/Nuestra Parrilla Bolívar 950, San Telmo. There are no fixed hours at this obligatory hole-in-the-wall parrillita, but Freddy, the asado master, is generally grilling around 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., and comes back after his siesta, 8:30 p.m. to midnight. I still keep going back even though Freddy once handed me a recycled CIF cleaner spray bottle filled with Minerva artificial lemon juice when I asked for lemon to squeeze on my bondiola. $ 

Parrilla Mi Sueño & Puestito del Tío Costanera Sur. Dozens of outdoor grill carts line the mile-long strip making the Costanera Sur BA’s street food destination. Some say the carritos lost their luster when the government mandated a change from open flame grilling to gas, but it’s still the city’s street cart mecca. Many carts open 24 hours. $

Chori Thames 1653, Palermo. Go here for a chef’s take (same owners as La Carnicería) on the iconic choripán street food dish. My pick? Homemade smoked chorizo washed down with a yerba mate gin and tonic or cerveza Marítima y Bosquisima, the new beer by co-owner/bartender Tato Giovannoni and Antares. Open all day, every day. $

La Parrilla de la Esquina de Sucre y Miñones Sucre 1902, Belgrano. This no-name grill on the corner of Sucre and Miñones has a major cult following. The lines spill out the door for their choripán. Open Tuesdays through Sundays for lunch only. $

Don Niceto Niceto Vega 5255, Palermo. It’s totally socially acceptable to roll up to this casual local hangout in your pajamas. Pop up to the grill bar and order whatever looks good on the parrilla. $$

Lo de Charly Álvarez Thomas 2101, Villa Urquiza. Lo de Charly might be one of the only parrillas in the world where you can eat an entire grill plate of steak cuts and entrails all before 10 am. That’s right, this neighborhood haven opens 24 hours, 7 days per week. Fun fact: the grill hasn’t been shut off since 1991. $$

Parrilla El Litoral Moreno 2201, Balvanera. The popular taxi stop is known for their bondiola, pork shoulder sandwich. If there’s no more room in the main salón, hop to the side window and order a meaty sandwich for takeaway. $

Las Cabras Fitz Roy 1795, Palermo. Dear kind person who waits hours for a table at Las Cabras, I don’t really share your willingness to line up, but I get it might have something to do with the big portions, low prices, and lively atmosphere. Yours Truly, PUTFFFF. $$

La Escondida Costa Rica 4464, Palermo. This huge parrilla offers a solid lunch special under $200 pesos. The best part of all? The unlimited salad bar will satisfy any non-meat eater. Also ideal for large groups. $$

Desnivel Defensa 855, San Telmo. Sit down for complete steak dinner or pick up your choripán para llevar at this beloved San Telmo grill den. $$$

Bonus cheap eats tip: Famed fancy steakhouse La Cabrera offers 40 percent off the entire menu if you dine between 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Just make sure to gobble everything down before your time is up, otherwise Cinderella’s meat carriage will turn into carcass.


The baked or fried handheld savory pockets can be found on pretty much any city block, giving it everyday lunch, dinner, or snack status. But just because empanadas are everywhere, doesn’t mean it’s easy to find a great one. General rule: One or two empanadas are a snack, three or more are a meal. I’d like to give a shout out to little map that comes along with delivery empanadas to decipher the flavor, I need that on a tote. *For an extensive guide to the best empanadas in Buenos Aires, check out this article.

Where to get it:

Feria de Mataderos Av. Lisandro de la Torre and Av. de los Corrales, Mataderos. The Sunday gaucho fair hawks the best street food in the city, including two empanadas that share the same name. Look out for the double dose of empanadas salteñas: the deep-fried chopped steak empanada from Argentina’s Salta province and the Bolivian empanada, a larger, sweeter baked empanada filled with stewed chicken or beef. $

La Cocina Pueyrredón 1508, Recoleta and Florida 142 #61, Centro. Order the house specialty pikachu, a spicy cheese empanada. La Cocina’s second downtown location is hidden in the basement of a sketchy mini-mall on Florida Street and only opens for lunch. $

El Banco Rojo Bolívar 866, San Telmo. Adventurous flavor combinations bust out from empanada traditions, offering a whole new world of fillings like spicy braised lamb and blood sausage with apples. Beyond empanadas, Banco Rojo offers budget-friendly daily specials. $

La Carbonera El Salvador 4401, Palermo Ortiz. Forget what you know about Argentine empanadas because the Venezuelan variety are a different breed. Larger in size and fried, these are made with maíz pilado, a pre-cooked corn flour, the same dough used to make arepas. Standard fillings? Queso y tajada (queso fresco and sweet fried plantains), cazón (shark or fish), chicken, dominó (black beans and queso fresco), and of course, pabellón, the take on the popular rice-beans-shredded beef-plantain dish, with shredded carne mechada beef, caraotas negras, and sweet fried plantains. $

La Paceña Echeverría 2570, Belgrano. This family-run Belgrano empanada shop specializes in Bolivian empanadas, larger in size with a thicker, sweeter crust, and packed with a stew-like filling. La Paceña is one of the only spots where the empanada actually packs some heat. $


Pizza is a big deal in BA, the self-proclaimed pizza capital of South America. Peso-pinchers looking to fill up on a budget should order pizza con fainá, a common and strange duo of chickpea cake, similar to Italian farinata, on top of a slice of pizza, like napolitana (tomato and garlic), jamón y morrones (ham with roasted red peppers), or muzzarella (cheese). Fans of an obscene amount of cheese and onions, fugazzeta is the pizza for you. A warning: the useless napkins will closely resemble a toilet seat cover, so plan wisely.

Where to get it:

Pizzería Güerrín Av. Corrientes 1368, Centro. The wood-fired oven hasn’t shut off since El Güerrin first opened in 1932. True aficionados will skip the dining room and brush elbows with locals, who eat pizza while standing in the front bar. Open daily until 2 a.m. $

El Mazacote Chile 1400, Montserrat. A barrio joint that is known for pizza a la piedra: pizza baked on a stone. Order the fainazeta, which combines two pizza loves, fainá and fugazzeta. $

La Mezzetta Álvarez Thomas 1321, Villa Ortúzar. This standing-room-only pizzeria, a popular taxi driver hangout, is known for its monster slices of fugazzeta. Cheese on cheese on ham on onion on cheese. $

Bandini Aizpurúa 2899, Villa Urquiza. Not everyone can handle a cheese-laden Argentine slice. If you’re on the hunt for an Italian-style thinner crust, Bandini’s wood-fired pizza has your name on it. There are only a few chairs at their Villa Urquiza local, so eat it curbside or bring the pizza home. And don’t forget to try the green onion fainá. $$


OK, I’m going to say it. It’s really damn hard to find a Porteño bodegón that serves consistently good food, made with care, at an affordable price. Is there a nostalgic, picturesque bodegón out there that satisfies your stomach and your wallet? I’m talking no-frills tapa de asado al horno con papas, or a solid giant milanesa with perfectly fried french fries. It’s also really damn hard to find a decent french fry, but that’s a discussion for another day.

Where to get it:

Norte Talcahuano 953, Recoleta. The milanesa, basically a schnitzel, represents the essence of Argentine meat-and-potatoes comfort food. Veal or chicken is pounded thin, breaded, and deep-fried before being dressed with a plethora of topping options. At Norte, order the milanesa napolitana, a nod to Argentina’s Italian heritage, which is covered in tomato sauce, cheese, and ham. You can order it with a side of puré (mashed potatoes) or french fries. $$

Don Ignacio Av. Rivadavia 3439, Almagro. There’s a reason why they call Don Ignacio “the Milanesa King”. The menu features dozens of milanesas so big that they don’t even fit on the plate. Go with a simple suprema (chicken breast) or get inventive with some of Nacho’s crazy flavors. $$

Club Eros Uriarte 1609, Palermo. Back in my day, when the colectivo cost a nickel, Club Eros was serving 10 peso steaks. Sure, in post-inflation BA those prices no longer hold true, but the sports club with an indoor fútbol field still prides itself on comida popular, at prices for the gente. $$

El Obrero Agustín R. Caffarena 64, La Boca. El Obrero might have lost some of its charm once the city’s Hop-On Hop-Off bus re-routed to funnel tourists by the historic bodegón, but one step inside and you’re transported back to 1910 when the humble joint first catered to Italian working-class immigrants. It’s the epitome of porteño dining, a casual cantina serving parrilla, pasta, and Spanish tortilla omelets. The walls are decked out in soccer jerseys, and the dining room is frequented by generations of barrio characters. $$$

Bellagamba Multiple Locations. The other day when I looked at Bellagamba’s menu, I thought they gave me an outdated version from 2014. This chain isn’t going to make the 50 Best Restaurant list, but we have to give props for solid classic food at incredibly cheap prices. Just don’t get too adventurous when choosing your dish, this is not the place to try milanesa Maryland or lengua a la vinagreta for the first time. $$


Ph: Panachef

Argentina’s Latin American hermanos turned traditional palates onto a new realm of flavors and spices, seriously influencing the local food scene in recent years. Today, we can thank many of the Peruvian, Bolivian, Colombian and Venezuelan expats for helping to make ingredients like cilantro, spicy chili peppers, and plantains readily available.

Where to get it:

Panachef Sánchez de Bustamante 1470, Palermo. Dig into an absurdly sized larger-than-your-head arepa at Panachef, a pioneer in the Venezuelan food scene. What started as a bar serving Latin-inspired sandwiches has turned into a full-blown Venezuelan restaurant featuring arepas, cachapas, and patacones. Go hungry, leave stuffed. $$

La Conga La Rioja 39, Once. Roasted Peruvian chicken is the answer for those seeking a hearty meal without a hearty price tag. La Conga, the Peruvian hangout that’s always busy, is known for its ridiculously large portions at cheap prices. A whole chicken, salad, and french fries cost less than $300 pesos and can feed a family of four. Go with a large group and order specialties like papa a la huancaína, chaufa, tallarines, ají de gallina, and lomo saltado. Keep your eyes peeled around the entire Abasto neighborhood for Peruvian lunch specials: many offer soup, main course and drink for as little as $60 pesos. $$

Ají Dulce Paraguay 4597, Palermo. Don’t miss the asado negro arepa with slow cooked panela-braised beef at this tiny Venezuelan arepería. Since the place is small, order for delivery or takeaway. $

Rinconcito MexicanoVenezuela 484, San Telmo. There are only a few tables at Rinconcito Mexicano, the San Telmo hueco that specializes in simple Mexican dishes. Skip the chilaquiles (it was made with store-bought tortilla chips) and go for the tacos, burritos, or fajitas. If you like spice, make sure to let them know so they don’t Argentine-ize your hot sauce experience. $$

Guaica Bar Florida 537, local 315. Centro. I discovered Guaica years ago on a failed IT visit to Galería Jardín. The bad news? The IT guy didn’t fix my computer charger and short-circuited my laptop. The good news? I found this hidden Venezuelan gem in the basement of the shady mall.  My dish of choice is, and will always be, pabellón with sliced palta on the side. $

Kombinaciones Gorriti 5578, Palermo. Latin American street food takes the form of arepas, hot dogs, and Honduran baleadas. Word on the street: Kombinaciones is now doing a killer weekend brunch. $$


BA’s Middle Eastern communities mean a few things: hummus, shawarma and a whole lotta babaganoush. You’ll see Armenian, Syrian, Israeli, and Lebanese cuisines represented, all offering similar dishes, but each with a unique twist.

Where to get it:

Al Arabe El Salvador 4999, Palermo. This Syrian owned shawarma shop makes my favorite shawarma, hummus and smoked eggplant mtabal in the city. It’s a savior when 5 pm on a Monday hits, and it’s the only place open. $$

Teamim Díaz Vélez 4431, Parque Centenario. A taste of Israel in Parque Centenario. There’s no menu at Teamim, just what’s displayed on the chalkboard outside on the window. Most of the customers order food to take away, but there are picnic benches to eat the falafel, eggplant dip, and knishes in-house. $$

Sarkis Thames 1101, Villa Crespo. For over three decades Sarkis has served Armenian dishes to the masses. As it’s one of the city’s most popular restaurants, you can expect a wait for a table. Or, be smart like me and order takeaway, or go for lunch. Order like a pro: babaganoush, sarawak, tabbouleh, muyatra, and chicken kebab completo. $$$

La Esquina del Fatay Morón 3299, Flores. A legendary fatay shop near Koreantown. Fatay, also known as empanada árabe or sfija, is like a Middle Eastern open faced triangle calzone. $

Medio Oriente Cabrera 4702, Palermo. Fridays and Saturdays are the days to head to this corner bakery and try their infamous shawarma. The lehmeyun, AKA empanada abierta, AKA Armenian meat pizza, AKA meatza, also wins. $


From Chinese holes-in-the-wall to Pakistani kebabs on the go, and even South East Asian curry lunch specials, add a spicy kick punch while dining on a budget.

Where to get it:

Restaurante Mian Mendoza 1725, Barrio Chino. This Barrio Chino noodle soup shop has two menus: five dishes in Spanish or an extensive menu in Chinese. Ask for the Chinese menu and download a translation app, or channel your inner food creep, spy on the tables next to you, and order what they are eating. My go-to order: dumplings, steamed bun, and 5B picante, a noodle soup that will clear out cold symptoms. $$

Kebab Roll Honduras 5761, Palermo. Before he went brick-and-mortar, Shehryar Sumar popped up at festivals and events with his famous Pakistani kebab wraps and spicy soul foods. And now, out of his Palermo open kitchen, there are pre-made kebab specials every day, plus rotating dishes like chicken korma, eggplant coconut curry, biryani. $

Mongolian BBQ El Salvador 5090, Palermo. Don’t let the black lights, oddly placed TV set, and mural off Genghis Khan scare you off. This is legit Mongolian BBQ. Here’s how it works: grab a bowl and head to the salad bar buffet to choose your meats and vegetables. Then, hand it over to Nicolas, choose noodles or rice, add your sauces (get them all), and your spice (order it picante). Then, he will toss everything together on a massive Mongolian flat top grill, adding water instead of oil. HFA: healthy, filling, and affordable. $

Saigon Bolivar 986, San Telmo. One of San Telmo’s best openings this year, Saigon brings Vietnamese flavors at reasonable prices. A bánh mì, bun, or pho with a half pint of beer set you back around $10 dollars. From Wednesday to Friday they also offer a special lunch menu that includes spring rolls, main dish, and a drink. $$

Green Curry Tucumán 271, Centro. We all need more curry in our lives. So, whether you are looking for some heat or just looking for a solid curry, Green Curry should be your downtown lunch of choice. $

China Work Mendoza 1663, Barrio Chino. A colorful display of unknown small plates, at 60 pesos each, sit on a steamer in the window of China Work just waiting to be devoured. I usually go for the spicy soup with tofu, bok choy and garlic, and sweet and sour eggplant. And it’s China Work, not Wok. $

Shandong Vera 468, Villa Crespo. Shandong AKA China Roots AKA Chino de Vera AKA Da Dong Fan Dian offers everything I ever wanted in a neighborhood Chinese go-to: indifferent service, zero onda, and fairly priced fresh Chinese food. Order of choice: dumplings, dumplings, and more dumplings. I’m also really into the Napa cabbage or bok choy with garlic, fried tofu, spicy chicken, shredded pork and bowls of brotes. $$$

Kotobuki Delivery, Palermo/Villa Crespo. Ordering sushi in Buenos Aires is like flushing your money down the toilet. I searched far, I searched wide, and it’s hard to find reasonably priced decent sushi that isn’t loaded with cream cheese an. So far, Kotobuki is the best I’ve come across.  Keep it simple with the New York, Okinawa, Salmon Skin and Vegetarian rolls. $$$


vegan buenos aires

The whole vegetarians/vegans-suffer-in-beefy-Buenos Aires spiel no longer holds much truth. For decades, plant-based dishes on porteño menus were limited to sad lettuce-tomato-onion salads and French fries or mashed potatoes. I’ve seen waiters serve announced vegetarians chicken and ham, genuinely surprised upon discovering that these foods originate from animals, and thus, vegetarian unfriendly. But now, eating green got a lot easier.

Where to get it:

Rollin’ Lui Jorge Newbery 3678, Chacarita. At Roll’in Luí, you won’t even realize that meat is missing from the menu. Say goodbye to bullshit Palermo $200 peso wilted lettuce ensaladas, because these salads are no joking matter. Here, you can make the wrap into a salad, or design your own, throw some falafel on top, and devour the platter of nutritious power. If there was a Roll’in Luí in every barrio, being a vegan in Buenos Aires wouldn’t be so bad. $

Spring Guatemala 4450, Palermo. Buffets, where you pay by the weight, have made quite an impression in BA. Some can be quite dangerous, giving diners a serious case of food regret after the hunger pains go away. If you must partake and eat your weight in food, do so at Spring, which uses fresh, quality ingredients. $$

Veggie Medio Oriente San Martín 545, Centro. A vegan-friendly Middle Eastern fast food shop that focuses on falafel, sabij, hummus, salads, and smoothies. $


Where do you go in Buenos Aires to sink your teeth into that perfect sandwich? With almost every café and restaurant serving up a sanguche of sorts, only a few really do it right at a fair price.

Where to get it:

El Buen Libro Reconquista 631, Centro. Beware of the long lines during the lunchtime rush at this takeaway sandwich kiosco. Half a milanesa sandwich (shown above) can feed two and costs less than USD $4. $

Bar San Martín Paraguay 2309, Recoleta. No trip to Facultad de Medicina is complete without a visit to old-school bar San Martín. The go-to order? Camperosandwich with ham, egg, and cheese. $$

Opio Gastro Pub Honduras 4415, Palermo. It’s not easy to find a bánh mì sandwich in BA. In fact, it’s nearly impossible. But Opio does it right with their version of juicy pork meatballs on homemade French bread with daikon, pickled carrot and red onions, and lots of cilantro. $$

La Cresta Bulnes 829, Almagro. Wraps are kind of like sandwiches, right? The OG of fast food chicken wraps delights Almagro with its creative flavors and fresh ingredients. #Bandido4Life $

Café Paulin Sarmiento 635, Centro. Sandwiches fly down the bar at Paulin, the famous downtown lunch spot that has since turned into a BA institution. The business crowd will swarm during lunch hours, so plan accordingly. $

Latino Sandwich Tacuarí 185, Centro. Not many places in BA are making sandwiches copados, interesting renditions stuffed with ingredients like braised beef and caramelized onions; a cubano; and crispy chicken with coleslaw. Luckily, Latino Sandwich is, and at a friendly price. $

NOLA Gorriti 4389, Palermo. Bow down to the king of all fried chicken sandwiches in Buenos Aires. I’m talking about a big mother clucker of a sammy: battered and deep-fried white breast between a fresh brioche bun, crispy shredded iceberg, and drenched in mayo and sauces. $


BA loves the executive lunch. A menú ejecutivo special that often comes with an appetizer, main course, and a drink.

Where to get it:

Sudestada Guatemala 5602, Palermo. Nothing beats Sudestada’s midday steal, which is a fraction of the price of dinner. The interactive menu lets diners punch the holes (or hanging chads) to choose their own lunch adventure. The plato principal highlight: Bo Xao or carne salteado con verduras y papas, thin strips of tenderloin stir-fried with a vegetable medley and topped with fried onions. $$

Vinotinto Julián Álvarez 1602, Palermo. Every barrio needs a Vinotinto. Every day there’s a different special, with dishes like pasta, grilled fish, burgers, sandwiches, plus a selection of salads, roasted vegetables, and tartas. There are even vacuum sealed packs of pre-cooked dishes to take home and pretend like you made it yourself. $

Fitz Roll Fitz Roy 1841, Palermo. Don’t confuse the long line on Fitz Roy with Pago Fácil. Here, you’ll find simple wraps and salads at incredible un-Palermo-like prices. $

Camping Av. Pueyrredón 2501, Recoleta. The outdoor “campsite” overlooking Plaza Francia serves a small menu that changes every day. On one recent sunny winter afternoon, I got down with comfort foods like slow-cooked lamb ragu, polenta, meatballs and couscous salad. Groups of friends (or friendly strangers) sit at communal picnic tables for lunch, and many hang out until after midnight. Music fanatics can connect to Camping’s wifi, log into the website, and add songs to the communal music playlist. $$


BA has gone totally loco for hamburgers. In just a few years, burger offerings saturated the city with multiple hamburgueserías opening in every neighborhood.

DOGG Multiple locations, Belgrano/Centro. Dogg makes my favorite burgers in the city. I’m talking about a classic double patty smash burger cheeseburger with simple toppings like lettuce and tomato, or bacon and pickles. Beyond the burger, Dogg is known for its hot dogs, an all beef grilled dog that is nestled a pillowy fresh bun and served with glorious toppings like relish, pickles, and sauerkraut. Combos and promos run all day long. $$

Burger 180 Suipacha 749 //Sarmiento 985, Centro. Choose your own 180 gram burger adventure and top your burger with a choice of homemade sauces like barbecue, mayonnaise chimichurri, tzatziki, tartar, or dijonesa (mayo + mustard); and toppings like bacon, fried egg, provolone cheese, or ham. It’s a beautiful (and slightly disturbing) sight to watch men in business suits attack burger, embracing the fantastic beast while the juices dribble down their chins. $

París Burger Suipacha 180, Centro. You have about a three hour window every week day to try París burger, the French-owned microcentro shop known for their thick, juicy burgers. Order off of the classic menu, or if you are feeling extra fancy, choose a burger from the menú francés, topped with French cheeses. $

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